Art by Muriel de la Paz
As Venus begins her regenerative journey through the Underworld from now until May 3rd, we are calling together a sacred circle of companions, ready for a practice of honest self discovery.
In mid February, Venus disappeared from the Morning Sky and entered the Underworld for close to 90-days. During this time, we are asked to give up worldly accumulations, powers, identities and identifications that no longer serve us and make room for spirit to help us be reborn.
Since Venus rose in the sign of Gemini last June 2020, we have been moving closer and closer to this time of regeneration, where past meets future, and the cosmos supports our present becoming.
We are celebrating this cycle by honoring the bodies we have been given, trusting in the truth of our natures and aligning with our spiritual connection through three main rituals. These rituals are an opportunity to allow your eyes to become tools of loving acceptance, put tired ways of being to rest and prepare your vessels to become temples for dreaming.
Tracking with the planet Venus offers a life-giving, organic group experience into the sacred cycles of death and rebirth. The foundation of the circle will be anchored by these three self-guided rituals that can be done solo once you make a commitment.
In addition to the rituals, we'll provide you with a lightly facilitated -- heavily self-generated-- Facebook Group that can hold you and your companions inside of a ritual container.
There will be three online circles where you can share about your experience of the rituals and this Venusian Underworld journey we are in together. Those gatherings will be on Tuesdays at 3:00-5:00pm EST: March 16th, March 30th and April 6th. We will gather this circle along with two others when Venus rises as the Evening Star on Monday, May 3 at 7 pm.
This lightly facilitated circle will support you to traverse this Underworld time with conscious intention. The group experience will be highly influenced by what participants bring to it and how they choose to connect and support one another between circles.
Participants are encouraged to:
> Shortly after you make your commitment to be in the circle, you will receive the rituals. You have until April 6th to guide yourself through all three. There will be support via the FB Group for questions, concerns and feedback.
> Each participant is asked to introduce themselves to the FB Group and share what most struck them about Inanna's Underworld Journey.
> After each ritual, participants are asked to check-in and share a picture, piece of art, story or photo that helps you integrate your personal experience and what you received.
>. Participants are asked to positively comment, feedback, support each other's shares to the best of your ability/capacity.
Venus's journey down into the underworld is a time for seeing through our own self deception and shedding traits built by our separative egos. Venus reminds us to let go of tired parts of ourselves in order to uncover truer, more life-giving ones.
Based on the pioneering work of Daniel Giamario, and furthered by Caylein Castell and Tami Brunk of Venus Alchemy, this circle was started by Soul Level Astrologers Marcella Eversole, Susan Rossi and Ceremonialist/Expressive Arts Therapist Mireya Alejo. The circle has been designed to nourish the feminine part of your nature through sacred texts, ritual, astrological insight and deep connection to self & other.
All online classes will be held over Zoom and recorded. The Dreaming Us Awake Underworld journey will be facilitated by artist & mystic Lily Swan and founder of Moving in Grace Hilary Lake, supported by Soul Level Astrologer Marcella Eversole and Expressive Arts Therapist Mireya Alejo. If you wish to learn more about your personal Venus Cycle, what Venus Collective you are part of, consider joining our Venus in Gemini-- Opening the Way Circle that starts Monday, May 3rd. We'll spend the rest of the year making our way up from the Underworld, together. Registration for that circle begins April 17 - May 15. |