Unearthing the Love Warrior Within Online Class Begins 9/28 @ Noon to 2 pm Eastern Registration is $180 and open until the third class, November 16. Register. This class is free to Tribal Drumbeat Members Southern Vermont Ritual Circles Held Oct 29, Dec 28, Jan 28, Feb 27, Mar 28, Apr 26, May 28 & June 03 Free to Tribal Drumbeat Members. Suggested donation $20 per circle. Email or Call for details This 9-month online circle will work with the cycle of Venus as she rises as the evening star and makes her journey up from the underworld. While Venus's journey down into the underworld is a time for seeing through our own self deception and separative ego, her return journey is a creative process, passing back through seven gates, receiving a gift or personal ally at each. Venus reminds us to shed the vain and shallow parts of ourselves in order to uncover a truer, more life-giving one. Organized by the chakras and traveling root to crown, participants will have time to reflect, discover and create. Collectively, the Venus Cycle helps us tune into a general archetype of the feminine principle that all of humanity acts out. It isn't specific to women; we can all circle up to support the successful integration of this cycles particular version of the feminine into the greater consciousness of humanity. |
Based on the pioneering work of Daniel Giamario, Soul Level Astrologers Marcella Eversole and Susan Rossi will guide a circle weaving sacred texts, ritual, astrological insight and deep connection to self & other. Inspired by Venus's natural rite of passage through the sky, participants will be invited to align with these natural forces through their own bodies and life stories using ritual, drama, art and other forms of personal expression. A discussion forum with an optional weekly prompt and gentle facilitation will accompany the 2-hour online class. For those that choose to create ritual aligned with Venus, you will be invited to share your experience and contribute to our collective understanding. Marcella will also host a ritual circle in SOVT for those that would like to be held in a ritual container. Email for more information.
Since Venus is one of the planets ancient cultures could track through their own eyes, her story is told through many lenses. We will begin our journey with the story of the Sumerian Queen of Heaven, Inanna, expressing the story through the words as they have been preserved over the ages. Then, on October 19 Mayan Spiritual Guide Tat Erick Gonzales and Nan Heddi Neale will illuminate the Venus Cycle through the perspective of the Mayan Calendar. Working with both sacred stories will offer us an opportunity to further unite ourselves through Venus and draw wisdom from the ancient ones that tracked their own evolution with keen observation of the celestial bodies.
This 9-month journey leaving the underworld deepens our understanding of death, marriage, birth, safety, sexuality, love, protection, allies, fear and hope. With this Venus Cycle working with the archetype of the feminine discovered in the sign of Libra, participants are encouraged to cleave to inner wisdom as we unearth the love warrior within. |
All online classes will be held over Zoom and recorded. We will gather on the third Saturdays from Noon to 2 pm:
1. Online September, 28 (exception)
Ritual September 29 Gate 1: Receives Royal Robe, Root Chakra The Gate of Manifestation Sample Class 1 and Register for Class 2 Above 2. Online October 19 Ritual October 29 Gate 2: Receives Ankle Bracelet, Belly Chakra The Gate of Creativity 3. Online November 16 Ritual November 28 Gate 3: Receives Ring, Solar Plexus Chakra The Gate of Personal Power 4. Online December 21 Ritual December 28 Gate 4: Receives Breast Plate, Heart Chakra The Gate of Compassion 5. Online January 18 Ritual January 28 Gate 5: Receives Necklace, Throat Chakra The Gate of Communication |
6. Online February 15
Ritual February 27 Gate 6: Receives Staff, Brow Chakra The Gate of Perception 7. Online March 21 Ritual March 28 Gate 7: Receives Crown, Crown Chakra The Gate of Authority 8. Online April 18 Ritual April 26 Gate 8: The Gate of Manifestation 9. Online May 16 Ritual June 9 Renewal Venus begins a new cycle of archetypal discovery on June 10 in the sign of Gemini. Southern Vermont Ritual Circles Held Oct 29, Dec 28, Jan 28, Feb 27, Mar 28, Apr 26, May 28 & June 03 Free to Tribal Drumbeat Members. Suggested donation $20 per circle. Email or Call for details |